Rights of Way Improvement Plan

Our Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP) is a sub-strategy to the Reading Transport Strategy 2036 and is used by the Council and its partners.  

This is a wide-ranging plan, covering all aspects of the management, maintenance and improvement of the Public Rights of Way network to meet the current and future needs of the public.

We published our first ROWIP in November 2007. Download our current plan here : Rights of Way Improvement Plan.

As part of the update of our ROWIP we carried out a consultation for local organisations and residents to have their say on Reading’s Public Rights of Way Network, to explain how they use the network, identify any barriers and suggest enhancements to the network.

We also asked about their thoughts on using shared paths for walking and cycling, their rating of our ROWIP priorities and about historic rights of way that were not recorded as part of the network.

We received more than 200 responses to this consultation and you can find an introduction and high-level summary of the results in the Public Rights of Way – Consultation Results Report along with detailed results and charts.

An additional 12 week statutory consultation was undertaken on ROWIP that included a public survey and engagement with statutory consultees, with the council receiving 163 responses through this consultation. Further updates have been made to the ROWIP to capture this feedback.

The latest version of the ROWIP strategy and associated appendices are available below:

Further information on Reading’s Public Rights of Way.

Last updated on 20/06/2023