Appendix D:  Affordability Checker for Couples

Affordability Checker (for non-residential care and support)

If you live with a partner who is on a low income[1], you and your partner can ask us to carry out an affordability check of your joint situation to ensure the level of Minimum Income Guarantee used in your financial assessment prevents your joint financial resources from falling below the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) minimum levels.

Affordability checker template

Income typeIncome amountTotals
Service User’s Minimum Income Guarantee[2] Level:£N/A
Partner’s Income:£N/A
Less Partner’s 50% housing cost share:N/A
Partner’s net income:£N/A
Service User’s Minimum Income Guarantee Level plus Partner’s net income:N/A£A
Couple Personal Allowance (for DWP benefits):N/A£B

Leave any cell with N/A blank.

If the value of £A is greater than or equal to the value of £B no adjustment is needed to the Minimum Income Guarantee level within the assessment.

If the value of £A is less than the value of £B we will adjust the Minimum Income Guarantee level by the value of (£B – £A).

Example 1

Income/allowance typeIncome/allowance amountTotals
Service User’s Minimum Income Guarantee Level:£179.90N/A
Partner’s Income:£169.25N/A
Less Partner’s 50% housing cost share:-£2.40N/A
Partner’s net income:£166.85N/A
Service User’s Minimum Income Guarantee Level plus Partner’s net income:N/A£346.75 (A)
Couple Personal Allowance (for DWP benefits):N/A£332.95 (B)
£A is more than £B, so no need to adjust the Minimum Income Guarantee level.

Example 2

Income typeIncome amountTotals
Service User’s Minimum Income Guarantee Level:£179.90N/A
Partner’s Income:£159.50N/A
Less Partner’s 50% housing cost share:-£32.00N/A
Partner’s net income:£127.50N/A
Service User’s Minimum Income Guarantee Level plus Partner’s net income:N/A£307.40 (A)
Couple Personal Allowance (for DWP benefits):N/A£332.95 (B)
£A is less than the value of £B, so we will increase the Minimum Income Guarantee level by the value of (£B – £A) = (£332.95 – £307.40) = £25.55. 
The adjusted Minimum Income Guarantee Level will be (£179.90 + £25.55) = £205.45

[1] ‘Low income’ relates to income (including tariff income from savings) below Department for Work and Pensions minimum allowance/personal allowance levels for benefits.

[2] Minimum Income Guarantee is the amount we allow in the financial assessment for everyday living costs. 

Last updated on 05/04/2024