Grounds for deleting a pupil from the school admission register

Grounds for deleting a pupil of compulsory school age from the school admission register set out in the Education (Pupil Registration)(England) Regulations 2006 as amendedSummary of grounds and action
18(1)(a) – where the pupil is registered at the school in accordance with the requirements of a school attendance order, that another school is substituted by the local authority for that named in the order or the order is revoked by the local authority on the ground that arrangements have been made for the child to receive efficient full-time education suitable to his age, ability and aptitude otherwise than at school.Attendance order has been revoked by LA.
28(1)(b) – except where it has been agreed by the proprietor that the pupil should be registered at more than one school, in a case not falling within sub-paragraph (a) or regulation 9, that he has been registered as a pupil at another school.In Year transfer;
A pupil who becomes registered at a new school can be removed from the roll of the previous school from the last date of attendance. The pupil must not be deleted from roll until the new school placement and date of registration have been confirmed.
A removal from roll form must be completed within 5 school days of the child leaving.
38(1)(c) – where a pupil is registered at more than one school, and in a case not falling within sub-paragraph (j) or (m) or regulation 9, that he has ceased to attend the school and the proprietor of any other school at which he is registered has given consent to the deletion.Dual registered child going on roll of another school;
A pupil registered at more than one school under a dual-roll arrangement can be removed
from the roll of one of the schools providing the other school is in agreement.
The pupil’s information should be transferred to the new school.
A removal from roll form must be completed within 5 school days of the child leaving.
48(1)(d) – in a case not falling within sub-paragraph (a) of
this paragraph, that he has ceased to attend the school
and the proprietor has received written notification
from the parent that the pupil is receiving education
otherwise than at school.
Elective Home Education
Parents sometimes use this option when
there are problems for their child at
school. Schools must not encourage
families to electively home educated their
children. This is considered ‘Off-Rolling’ by
Ofsted and other educational
The school – not the parent – has a legal
duty to notify the Local Authority when
deleting a child from roll under this
criterion. Schools should do this via the
EHE notification form and complete a
leaver form attaching the parents
confirmation that their child will be
educated at home.
A removal from roll form must be
completed within 5 school days of the
child leaving.
58(1)(e) – except in the case of a boarder, that he has
ceased to attend the school and no longer ordinarily
resides at a place which is a reasonable distance from
the school at which he is registered.
No longer resides at a reasonable
Child has left the country or has left the
area. Evidence of leave country should
be included in the leaver form (i.e email
from parent with travel arrangements)
A removal from roll form must be
completed within 5 school days of the
child leaving.
68(1)(f) – in the case of a pupil granted leave of
absence in accordance with regulation 7(1A), that:
(i) the pupil has failed to attend the school within the
ten school days immediately following the expiry of
the period for which such leave was granted;
(ii) the proprietor does not have reasonable grounds
to believe that the pupil is unable to attend the
school by reason of sickness or any unavoidable
cause; and
(iii) the proprietor and the local authority
have failed, after jointly making reasonable
enquiries, to ascertain where the pupil is.
Unauthorised absent for 10 days after
agreed absence finished, and steps
taken to find.
The pupil has not returned from an
authorised holiday
Failed to attend on first school day
after the agreed absence has ended
You do not believe the child is sick or
there is an unavoidable cause
BOTH school and LA has completed
reasonable enquiries and failed to locate
the child
A removal from roll form must be
completed within 5 school days of the
child leaving.
78(1)(g) – that he is certified by the school medical officer as unlikely to be in a fit state of health to attend school before ceasing to be of compulsory school age, and neither he nor his parent has indicated to the school the intention to continue to attend the school after ceasing to be of compulsory school age.Medically unfit to attend until after SSA (Child certified as not medically fit for school)
This only applies where a child is going to be too unwell to return to school before they cease to be statutory school aged.
A removal from roll form must be
completed within 5 school days of the child leaving.
88(1)(f) – in the case of a pupil granted leave of
absence in accordance with regulation 7(1A), that:
(i) the pupil has failed to attend the school within the ten school days immediately following the expiry of the period for which such leave was granted;
(ii) the proprietor does not have reasonable grounds to believe that the pupil is unable to attend the school by reason of sickness or any unavoidable cause; and
(iii) the proprietor and the local authority
have failed, after jointly making reasonable
enquiries, to ascertain where the pupil is.
Unauthorised absent for 10 days after agreed absence finished, and steps taken to find.
The pupil has not returned from an authorised holiday
Failed to attend on first school day
after the agreed absence has ended
You do not believe the child is sick or there is an unavoidable cause
BOTH school and LA has completed reasonable enquiries and failed to locate
the child
A removal from roll form must be
completed within 5 school days of the child leaving.
98(1)(i) – that he is detained in pursuance of a final order made by a court or of an order of recall made by a court or the Secretary of State, that order being for a period of not less than four months, and the proprietor does not have reasonable grounds to believe that the pupil will return to the school at the end of that period.Pupil detained for over four months.
In custody for more than 4 months with no reasonable thought that the child will return to the school when released. (The time when a pupil is in custody they will be receiving an education in a DFE registered provision, therefore a D code can be used)
A removal from roll form must be completed within 5 school days of the child leaving.
108(1)( j ) – that the pupil has died.Pupil has died
The pupil should be removed from roll using the date of death.
A removal from roll form must be completed within 5 school days of the child leaving.
118(1)(k) – that the pupil will cease to be of compulsory school age before the school next meets and—
(i) the relevant person has indicated that the pupil will cease to attend the school; or
(ii) the pupil does not meet the academic entry requirements for admission to the school’s sixth form.
No longer statutory school age.
i.e. Pupils in year 11 who have completed statutory education should be removed from roll on the last Friday in August, unless the pupil is staying on for sixth form, in which case they should not be removed from roll.
128(1)(l) – in the case of a pupil at a school other than a maintained school, an Academy, a city technology college or a city college for the technology of the arts, that he has ceased to be a pupil of the school.Non-maintained school leaves i.e Independent schools.
A removal from roll form must be completed within 5 school days of the child leaving.
138(1)(m) – that he has been permanently excluded from the school.Pupil permanently excluded and no change from appeal.
15 days has passed since the Discipline Committee Meeting, and there has been no Independent Review Panel requested or the Independent Review Panel has been heard, and all follow up initiated by the panel has been resolved.
A removal from roll form must be completed within 5 school days of the child leaving.
148(1)(n) – where the pupil has been admitted to the school to receive nursery education, that he has not on completing such education transferred to a reception, or higher, class at the school.At nursery and not going to main school.
Although it is not a legal requirement to upload a CTF for children who have not reached compulsory school age (the start of the school term following their fifth birthday), it is good practice to do so and to complete and return a Removal from roll form.
158(1)(o) where:
(i) the pupil is a boarder at a maintained school or an Academy;
(ii) charges for board and lodging are payable by the parent of the pupil; and
(iii) those charges remain unpaid by the pupil’s parent at the end of the school term to which they relate.
Boarder and didn’t pay fees.
A removal from roll form must be completed within 5 school days of the child leaving.
Last updated on 06/09/2021