Housing (Local Plan Partial Update)
Housing is a vital element of the existing Local Plan as well as the Partial Update. The Council takes the housing crisis that affects Reading, as many other areas, extremely seriously, and the Local Plan is one of the tools that can help us to address it.
The number of homes that we plan for is central to the Local Plan, because it informs so many of the other policy areas. Our current plan provides for 689 homes per year up to 2036, but the level of need for new homes has increased further since the plan was prepared. The consultation document proposes planning for around 800 homes per year up to 2041, which would be a substantial increase. This is a complex topic, and there is more discussion of the reason behind different possible figures in the document.
It is not just the number of homes that is important. The type of homes is also vital. We need to deliver more affordable homes to meet as much of our needs as possible. We also need to do more to increase the amount of larger family homes of three or more bedrooms that are built in Reading.
Other updates are planned on the parts of the plan that deal with conversions to flats or houses in multiple occupation, housing for vulnerable people and newer forms of living such as built to rent or co-living.
Local Plan Partial Update: Consultation on Scope and Content