Debt Advice Team

We are a friendly team of trained advisers who help people in financial difficulty with free, confidential and impartial debt advice. We can advise you on a wide range of issues and help hundreds of people every year.

We can help anyone who is:

  • a council tenant
  • affected by the benefit cap
  • at risk of being evicted, and being supported by the Housing Advice Team

If you are not in one of the groups we can help, you can receive advice or support from other local or national organisations. Read our money advice page  for more details.

We can help you:

  • increase income and reduce outgoings
  • keep important goods and services
  • make an informed decision on how to deal with any debts
  • check for and claim benefits you are entitled to
  • understand benefits and challenge decisions

Contact us

If you would like to book an appointment for yourself or someone you are supporting use our online referral form.

If you are unable to use the online referral form, would like to discuss a referral, book an appointment or receive some general advice contact us by:

Phone 0118 937 2197 lines are open between 9am to 5pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 10am to 5pm on Wednesdays.


Debt advice handbook

We have a debt advice handbook for people who feel confident to help themselves to use. 

The handbook will help you to:

  • plan your budget
  • explore ways to increase your income and reduce your outgoings
  • work out what debts need paying first
  • review your debt options and decide what to do next
  • contact your creditors

Paying rent

You still need to pay rent as a priority. If you have any issues paying your rent, contact your landlord straight away to make an affordable agreement to repay your arrears.

If you are being threatened with eviction, or being asked to leave your home by your landlord without a court order, you should remain in your home and immediately contact our Housing Service, by phone on 0118 937 2165 or by email

Paying Council Tax

You still need to pay your Council Tax, or it will be difficult to manage in the future. If you are struggling to pay, contact Customer Services on 0118 937 3727 to discuss your options.

If your income has reduced, check to see if you can claim Council Tax Support.

Last updated on 12/12/2022