Succeeding a tenancy

Applying to take over a tenancy (succeed)

You can apply to take over a tenancy by using the button below.

Taking over a tenancy (succession)

If you live with a council tenant who dies, you could be eligible to take over their tenancy. The technical term for this is succession.

A council tenancy can only be succeeded to once. If the tenant who had died became the tenant through succession, then you will not be able to succeed to the tenancy.

If you succeed to the tenancy of a home that is larger than you need then you may need to downsize to a smaller home.

Joint tenants

Joint tenants will succeed to a tenancy on the death of the other tenant. This counts as a succession.


Spouses, civil partners, or cohabiting partners (including same-sex couples) of the tenant are normally entitled to succeed, subject to residency requirements.

Other family members

The rights of any other family members to succeed will depend on when the tenancy started.

If the tenancy started before 1 April 2012, and there is no spouse or civil partner entitled to succeed, another family member may be able to succeed.

Last updated on 30/05/2024