Local lettings policy for Wensley Road Estate

A current LLP already exists for the Wensley Road Estate. The Wensley Road estate is deemed to consist of the land on which the 3 high rise blocks of flats are situated. This was put in place some years ago in response to significant issues on the estate and the need to better balance the community. This LLP has recently been reviewed and it has been determined that it is still relevant and should therefore remain in place. The details of the LLP are as follows:

Applicants will not be considered for an allocation of accommodation if they:

  • have a history of harassment or anti-social behaviour including evictions for nuisance or anti-social behaviour
  • have a history of aggression, nuisance or non-compliance with medication (Mental Health)
  • have a drugs conviction in the last 5 years or have used drugs heavily in the last 12 months
  • are in the 16-25 age groups

For vulnerable cases requiring support a three-way agreement will be signed between the support provider, Housing Officer and prospective tenant to ensure that the tenant will abide by the conditions of the tenancy and the Housing Officer and support provider provide the necessary support with increased frequency of visits. This will be done before the tenancy signup.

New council homes

The Wensley Road Estate will see the development of 46 new homes to be completed in 2022. The breakdown of the properties is a as follows:

  • 2 x 4 bedroom houses
  • 26 x 3 bedroom houses
  • 10 x 2 bedroom flats
  • 8 x 1 bed flats (all of these will be ground floor level access)

As these new homes are being built within the heart of an existing community it is appropriate that the local community should benefit from the new development. As such a new LLP is proposed to prioritise existing housing needs on the estate and in the locality.

The council would like to encourage local tenants who are either over-crowded or under-occupying to consider moving into the new properties.

New local lettings policy – first lets to new homes

A new LLP will be put in place for the first lets of the new homes as follows:

  • Priority will be given to RBC tenants who live on the Wensley Road Estate in the first instance. The allocation will be determined through the usual processes of priority bands and registration dates.  If all of these dates are the same, the longest serving tenant will receive priority.
  • The Council reserves the right to refuse any applicant who has been  in breach of their tenancy agreement within the past 3 years including those with a history of ASB, significant substance abuse, serious rent arrears and property neglect. All tenants being considered for a move will be subject to a pre-termination inspection and a rent review.
  • If there are no eligible bids from Wensley Road tenants, then second priority will be given to residents in the local area, which will include the suburbs of ColeyColey Park, and that part of West Reading bounded by the Bath Road, Tilehurst Road and Parkside Road*.
  • Applicants who are not existing council tenants from the Wensley Road Estate will be subject to the requirements of the existing Wensley Road Estate LLP.

If there are no eligible bids from any of the above categories the property will be let through the usual process of priority banding and registration date.

For the ground floor one bed flats, under occupiers on the estate will be encouraged to apply for these in order that family sized accommodation can be released.  

Lettings for existing homes on the Wensley Road Estate created as a result of the new development

All subsequent vacancies that arise as a result of the above will be let in the normal way, and will be subject to the existing Wensley Road LLP. Priority will be given to those who already live in Minster Ward.

How we propose to let the properties covered by the LLP

The properties will be advertised on HomeChoice.

How long is the LLP being requested for?

Note this LLP will only be applied to the first time these properties are let.

*Since the development of the LLP there have been boundary changes with regard to electoral wards, the area this applies to is the area that was previously defined as the Minster Ward.   

Last updated on 31/05/2024