
Asbestos is a hazardous natural mineral fibre. Because its fibres are strong and resistant to heat, it has been used in a wide range of buildings and products, often for fireproofing. Properties built after 2000 are unlikely to contain asbestos.

Why is asbestos dangerous?

When asbestos is damaged, the fibres can be released into the air. If these fibres are inhaled, they can cause serious health issues. People who have worked with asbestos, or have had contact with someone who worked with asbestos, are most likely to be affected.

Asbestos cement products are considered relatively low risk and are unlikely to release a high level of fibres unless they are damaged by extreme abrasion or drilling.

Where is asbestos found?

Building materials containing asbestos were widely used between 1930 and 2000. Houses and flats built during this time may contain asbestos. It is not easy to tell whether a product contains asbestos just by looking at it.

Asbestos may be found in the following places in the home:

  • insulating board – particularly common in 1960s and 1970s housing
  • floor tiles
  • sprayed coating – used for fire protection of structural steel during the 1960s, mainly used
  • in service ducts or lift shafts
  • asbestos cement products – found in many types of building as flat sheets for roofing and
  • cladding, often used for garages and sheds
  • artex ceilings – textured, coated ceilings
  • facia and soffit – external guttering on the building

What to do if you suspect you have asbestos in your home

If you do suspect that there is asbestos in your home, do not disturb it. If you are concerned that it is damaged, we would recommend that you contact us immediately to report. Contact details are available on our maintenance and repairs page.

If asbestos is in good condition and not damaged, it will not need to be removed.

If you are planning to make alterations (other than minor DIY) to your home, you must obtain our permission prior to carrying out any works.

Asbestos materials should never be put in ordinary domestic waste.

The property owner is responsible for the safe disposal of asbestos. Any contractors employed by you should comply with all relevant legislation enforced by the Health and Safety Executive.

Last updated on 30/05/2024