Data protection (section 12)

This page provides information about how we handle, process, and store your personal information.

On this page:

Fair processing notice

12.1 Data processed by Reading Borough Council is dealt with in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The council is required to protect any personal information it holds about you and to inform you how it processes that information and who the information is shared with.

12.2 By signing your tenancy agreement, you consent to the council using the personal information you have provided to the council in your housing application, and may provide as a tenant, for the following purposes: 

  • to carry out its responsibilities under this tenancy
  • to use its rights under the tenancy
  • to keep to our legal responsibilities and the responsibilities it has to other organisations under your tenancy agreement 
  • to carry out its responsibilities to other tenants
  • to comply with our legal obligations to equality and diversity

12.3 The council will share your personal information with other appropriate organisations and council services so they can carry out their responsibilities as required by law.

12.4 These may include:

  • contractors appointed to carry out repair, maintenance or improvement work to the property
  • law enforcement agencies
  • Children and Adults Social Care, Education and schools
  • Housing Benefits and Council tax, DWP
  • electoral registration
  • local housing providers
  • professional advisers

12.5 If you leave your home owing rent or any other money, we may pass on information about you to any debt recovery or tracing agency that we instruct to recover that debt. If you leave your home owing money in respect of electricity, gas, water, telephone or other similar charges, we may pass on contact details to the company to whom the money is owed or any agent acting on their behalf.

12.6 We are required under section 6 of the Audit Commission Act 1998 to participate in the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) data matching exercise. We advise you that the data held by us in respect of your tenancy will be used for cross-system and cross-authority comparison purposes for the prevention and detection of fraud where requested.

How we will store your information

12.7 Personal and financial information is held in files which are stored in locked cupboards in a secure building. Only authorised council staff have access to the area and only staff within the housing team have access to unlock the cupboards.

12.8 Personal and financial information recorded on portable computer equipment is password protected and encrypted. The computer equipment is only used in line with Reading Borough Council’s ICT security policies.

12.9 Personal and financial information is recorded and stored securely on the council’s electronic housing record system. 

12.10 Information will be retained for six years after the termination of your tenancy, after which it will be securely destroyed.

Last updated on 29/05/2024