Green Deal
The Green Deal is a government initiative to encourage consumers to make energy-saving improvements to their home, such as loft insulation or double glazing. Funding is arranged through approved Green Deal providers.
The scheme is a loan, which allows you to spread the cost of the improvements over a period of between 10 and 25 years. Green Deal loans differ from standard loans because the repayments are added to your electricity bill.
What does it cover?
The Green Deal helps you make energy saving improvements to your home and helps to find the best way to pay for them.
The improvements that could save you the most energy depend on your home, but typical examples include:
- Insulation, such as solid wall, cavity wall or loft insulation
- Draught proofing
- Double glazing
- Renewable energy generation, such as solar panels or heat pumps
Eligibility requirements
Any household with an electricity meter (including prepayment meters) in England, Scotland or Wales can use the scheme.
Both the landlord and the tenant must agree to the improvements if the building is rented.
How to Apply
You can apply for the scheme through a Green Deal approved provider.
Details on how to find a Green Deal approved provider, and additional information on the scheme can be found on the government website – Green Deal: energy saving for your home: Overview – GOV.UK (