Religious venue ceremonies

The way in which all marriages are registered changed on 4 May 2021. Instead of the traditional marriage register, you will now need to sign a schedule document, which is issued by our office prior to your ceremony. If you are getting married at a religious venue within Reading district, you will need to contact us to arrange for your marriage schedule to reach your chosen venue. We can post this to the venue, or someone can collect it from us.

Registering your marriage

Once your ceremony has taken place, the completed schedule needs to be returned to us as soon as possible (and within a maximum of 21 days) so that we can register it on the Registration Online system. It is the responsibility of the Authorised Person / Clergy at the venue to ensure this reaches us, but someone can be nominated to return it on their behalf.

Your marriage certificate

Once we have received and registered your marriage, we can then issue your marriage certificate.

Certificates can be purchased for a statutory fee of £12.50 each. Please contact us to order any copies that you require, either by calling us on 0118 937 3533 or via the below link:

Order your marriage certificate

Last updated on 16/07/2024