
Very rarely a body may require to be exhumed (to be removed from the ground). In order for an exhumation to take place, a licence from the Ministry of Justice must be granted. Approval will be required from either the Secretary of State or the Church of England, depending on the location of the grave and whether it is in consecrated or un-consecrated ground. The next of kin of the deceased and the grave owner will also have to grant permission for the exhumation to be requested. The process is undertaken with great care, diligence and privacy. Crematorium staff will be happy to discuss any questions you may have regarding exhumations.

The process is exactly the same for the exhumation of cremated remains. Permission must be granted by the Ministry of Justice. There are a number of forms to be completed. Please note that there are fees payable for an exhumation, for further details contact the office (0118 937 2200 orĀ cem.crem@reading.gov.uk.

Last updated on 13/10/2022