Reading council secures funding to help keep vulnerable adults safe in their homes
The significant grant of £1.08 million – spanning a two year period - will enable the council to expand its Independent Living Care Technology Solutions, building on the success of the pilot program which took place over the last nine months. The project is part of the Council’s wider digital transformation programme, which aims to use digital technologies to make a real difference to the lives of residents.
With people increasingly wanting to live independently for as long as possible in their own homes, the Council is keen to use new technology which could help enhance residents’ wellbeing and help keep them safe at home for longer.
Independent Living Technology Enabled Care (TEC) helps residents live safely in their own homes with the use of sensors installed in resident’s homes which collect information on daily routines, such as sleep patterns, bathroom visits, and meal preparation. Once standard patterns are established after a two week period, the system can then generate notifications if any deviations from these patterns occur. Examples includes increased bathroom visits during the night or a decrease in signs of meal preparation. Family members can also access a friends and family app.
The aim of the project is to evaluate the impact of sensor technology coupled with intelligent, advanced cutting-edge analytics - particularly for individuals who have been discharged from hospital or are living with long-term health conditions. Staff have been able to use the data to provide appropriate support to residents and enabling them to continue living at home.