Reading needs to keep accelerating action on climate change to achieve net zero ambitions

Resident, businesses and organisations across Reading need to keep accelerating action on climate change if the town is to meet its net zero carbon target by 2030.

Sunday 26 February will be the fourth anniversary of the Council declaring a climate emergency on behalf of the town.

Reading boasts the 4th largest cut in its carbon footprint of all 374 local authority areas in the UK, but the Reading Climate Change Partnership (RCCP) is warning unless individuals, businesses and organisations make a new tangible commitment to take action, the town will fail to meet its target.

Residents are urged to take a small step by spending a few minutes to look at resources on the partnership’s dedicated website for ideas on how they can make a difference.

Positive simple steps everyone can take to save carbon and save money include:

  • Walk, cycle or use public transport instead of driving.
  • Reduce food waste – freeze leftovers and check your fridge temperature is between 0-5 C.
  • Repair, Recycle and Reuse.
  • Turn down thermostats and switch off appliances where possible – depending on your age the ideal room temperature is 18-19C during winter.
  • Skip meat for one day a week.

While the town as a whole has cut its carbon footprint by 55% since 2005, Reading Borough Council’s carbon footprint has been reduced by 71.3% in just 13 years. The Council’s carbon footprint accounts for less than 1.5% of total emissions for the borough however.

On 21 and 22 March residents can take part in a new climate pilot programme; an immersive experience where residents participate in grassroots discussions, helping the council understand which climate change policies are most popular and work together on a local climate plan and smarter ways of living. Residents will receive a £20 voucher for two hours of their time. More information on how to participate on the discuss climate webpage.

Last updated on 23/02/2023