Residents invited to help us shape library services in Reading

This week we’ve launched a six-week consultation on our ‘vision’ for Reading’s Library Service. You are invited to have your say via an online survey and at consultation events taking place locally.

We are developing a draft Library Strategy for the next 3 years. The purpose of the strategy is to guide the service to further supporting our communities, being innovative and providing an excellent experience for everyone.

Unlike many local authority areas where libraries have been permanently shut due to budget pressures, Reading Council has retained all of its seven library branches and is fully committed to maintaining this approach by making the best possible use of its limited resources.

Our vision for Reading Libraries is that they are innovative, accessible to all, at the heart of all of our communities and enhancing the lives of Reading people. They inspire learning and enjoyment, provide books, content and activities and help everyone to navigate the digital world.

Our vision is underpinned by five key focus areas:

  • Supporting our communities as we recover from the pandemic
  • Helping Children and Young People
  • Improving access to online services
  • Supporting improvements in Health, Wellbeing and Literacy
  • Bringing arts, culture and heritage to library spaces

We are now inviting you to feedback on these priorities. You are also asked to share how you use the library service, what is most important to you and what you would be most interested in using in future. You are invited to comment on Reading Central Library and the Library’s Home Service.

An online consultation is available at:

You are also invited to a consultation event at Central Library on Tuesday 24 August between 11am and 4pm. This will offer an opportunity for you to feedback in person and the chance to ask questions about the library service.

Alongside the online survey and the library event, we are also hosting several focus groups during the six-week period, with key groups in Reading.

The consultation runs from Monday 9 August to 17 September.

We will make the results of the consultation available in the final Library Strategy Report going to the Council’s Housing, Neighbourhoods and Leisure Committee on 10 November 2021.

Last updated on 10/08/2021