Second phase of consultation begins on cycling and walking improvements on Shinfield Road

We are inviting residents and all road users to give their views on the creation of a fully segregated new cycle route on Shinfield Road, alongside improved crossings for pedestrians, as statutory consultation on the Active Travel scheme begins.

It follows an initial engagement exercise in the summer which attracted almost 1,000 responses and showed Shinfield Road as the preferred option out of four schemes put forward by Reading Borough Council.

The proposed new cycle route along Shinfield Road – between Christchurch Green and Shinfield Rise - would link south Reading and the Royal Berkshire Hospital, the University of Reading, local centres and Reading Town Centre. It also links with existing new cycle routes delivered by the Council on Redlands Road and Christchurch Road in Tranche 1 of its Active Travel programme.

New advanced stop lines and early release for cyclists will be provided to improve safety. A number of new and improved crossings for pedestrians are also a key element of the scheme.

Formal consultation begins today (26 October) and runs to 6 December. Information and how to respond to the consultation.

The public can view the proposals in person and talk to members of the project team at an exhibition which takes place at the University of Reading’s Sports Park Pavilion on Tuesday 16 November, between 3:30 pm and 7:30 pm.

A statutory consultation will be held next year in association with Traffic Regulation Orders following this second phase of consultation. All feedback will help in developing the final design of the scheme, before construction begins next year.

Last updated on 26/10/2021