Vehicle crossing policy

  1. The vehicle hard-standing area on property frontage should have minimum dimensions of at least 2.4m wide (along the boundary entry point) and a minimum 4.8m length (this is the minimum depth of property frontage required). Note: This is a minimum requirement; a greater size may be required to accommodate larger vehicles. A greater distance /depth may also be required to allow for property access/doorways etc. The vehicle hard-standing should be constructed before, or at the same time as the vehicle crossing is constructed. It is not permitted for vehicles to overhang the public highway as this can constitute an obstruction of the public highway under the Highways Act 1980.
  2. Some roads are classified as traffic sensitive and may not be suitable for a vehicle crossing. If your property is on a classified road, the new access will require planning permission before any work can be carried out and Development Control and/or Planning will be consulted as appropriate.
  3. If the proposed vehicle crossing is in a road where there is a formalised on street parking scheme and/or Traffic Regulation Order in place, Network Management will be consulted as appropriate.
  4. The entrance width/opening to the property frontage should be suitable for vehicle(s) to be able to park on hard-standing(s) perpendicular on property frontage (as explained in point 1 above). Entrance width/opening needs to be wide enough so that vehicles do not ‘bump up’ full height kerbs.
  5. A vehicle crossing should be a minimum distance of 10m away from a
  6. Visibility splays/sight lines should be acceptable to ensure safe
    access/egress from property.
  7. If any tree and/or root system would be affected by the proposed vehicle crossing, Planning and Parks will be consulted as appropriate.
  8. The total continual length of dropped kerb (including where shared with neighbouring property, ideally should not exceed 10m. Note: in situations where it would be greater than 10m, the decision on whether or not to approve will be at the Council’s discretion.
  9. In situations where a neighbouring property already has an established historical/legal vehicle crossing and there is insufficient space/gap between the crossings to install ‘transition kerbs’ and ‘full-height kerbing infill’, it may be necessary to extend the existing dropped kerb from the neighbouring property to create the new vehicle crossing (‘transition kerbs’ laid back to back are not normally accepted). This will depend on the location of the proposed vehicle crossing in relation to the neighbouring existing vehicle crossing. Effectively such a situation creates a shared vehicle crossing rather than two separately defined vehicle crossings. This will be at the Council’s discretion.
  10. Water run-off from private property onto the public highway is not
    permitted. An appropriate method of drainage needs to be provided within the property curtilage including the use of suitable permeable surfacing materials.
  11. Planning permission is required for any hard standing (new or
    repair/replacement) at a property that is constructed of a non-porous
    material (tarmac, concrete or brick paving) in excess of 5 square metres and does not have surface water run off to a permeable or porous area within the boundaries of the property, e.g. lawn. Hard standing at other properties (including flats) is likely to require planning permission regardless of the proposed material (except some industrial/warehouse uses). It is recommended that you contact Planning on (0118) 937 3787 if you require further information. If you do not meet these requirements, planning permission will be required before any work can be carried out. (A copy of the planning permission will be required).
  12. If gravel is to be used as a permeable surfacing material to the hardstanding, a non–gravel apron/strip is required across the entrance
    width/opening on the private property frontage to prevent the gravel from migrating onto the public highway.
  13. Vehicle crossing applications will not be approved in locations where there would be a substantial loss of public highway/Council maintained grass verge and/or have a detrimental effect on the local environment/street scene.
  14. The loss of an area of grass verge up to 8m2 is acceptable, however, if an area of between 8m2 and 15m2 of public highway /Council maintained grass verge is considered for removal, it will need to be replaced by a suitable permeable bituminous/tarmacadam material appropriate for use on the public highway and approved by the Council. This material will be applied to all of the crossing area to reduce the impact of surfacing a verge area.
  15. Street furniture (e.g. sign posts, street lighting columns) should be a
    minimum distance of 1.0m from a vehicle crossing (top of transition kerb) to reduce risk of damage from turning vehicles. Note: where it is considered feasible/agreed by the Council to relocate/reposition street
    furniture/utility equipment so as not to impede a vehicle crossing, all costs associated with such work to be charged to vehicle crossing applicant and included in the cost estimate.
  16. Edging kerb or similar approved will normally be required as a demarcation between the back of footway/highway boundary and property frontage boundary.
  17. Utility covers/manhole covers within a vehicle crossing should be to the required specification/standard for vehicles to override (to be supplied by the relevant utility company as required). All work to utility covers/boxes/chambers should be carried out by relevant utility company (e.g. cover supply replacement/adjustment/ lowering etc.) to ensure that work is carried out in accordance with utility company’s requirements, specification and standards. Utility mains/services/equipment and plant may require lowering/repositioning/replacing as a result of a vehicle crossing
    application. Again, all such work will be carried out by the relevant utility company. The cost(s) for any utility works required will be charged to the vehicle crossing applicant and included in the cost estimate.
  18. Kerbing to vehicle crossings to match existing general ‘kerb type’ in the road where possible/practicable (e.g. granite kerbs/setts/conservation kerbs).
  19. Where an Access Protection Marking (APM) is to be installed, it will extend to the whole length/width of the vehicle crossing (from top of transition kerb to top of transition kerb), including across the whole length/width of shared vehicle crossings. It will not be permitted to install an APM to part/half of a vehicle crossing, even where there is a shared vehicle crossing (Refer to Council’s Access Protection Marking Policy).
  20. There may well be other site specific factors/requirements which need to be taken into account with a vehicle crossing application. These will be identified and considered as appropriate and will be at the Council’s discretion.
  21. All of the above vehicle crossing criteria will be considered as part of the site assessment.
  22. The Council’s decision on a vehicle crossing application is final, in its
    capacity as the Local Highway Authority.
  23. The vehicle crossing application fee is non-refundable. Applicants are
    advised to first check that their application meets the various criteria of this vehicle crossing policy before submitting it to the Council.
  24. The conditions above may be periodically reviewed and subject to change following consultation and Committee approval. Any breach of the conditions may result in formal action being taken.
Last updated on 23/12/2021