Reading School Streets – FAQs

Further general information on School Streets.

What is a School Street?

A School Street is where a road outside a school is temporarily closed to become a pedestrian and cycle zone during the school’s opening and closing times.

How does a School Street work?

A School Street closes off sections of road outside or near to schools, where there are issues with parents parking when dropping children off at school. By temporarily closing roads outside schools this will help to reduce congestion and pollution at the school gates as well as making it easier and safer for children to get to and from school.

Why are these changes being proposed?

The Council is working with businesses, schools and the wider community on a number of projects to improve air quality and travel across Reading. The School Streets scheme aims to reduce through-traffic directly outside schools which will create a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

What time are the restrictions enforceable?

The timings are dependent on the school and location of the School Street. They are generally around 8:15-9:15 in the morning and 2:30-3:30 in the afternoon for at least 45 minutes but can change depending on the school’s requirements.

I live on the School Street, can I access my property?

Yes, access to properties and businesses within the School Street closure area is maintained at all times.

Who can access the School Street by vehicle during the specified closure times?

Eligible vehicles include, residents living on the School Street, visitors to residents’ properties (including carers), business owners and customers, as well as emergency services, Blue Badge holders, taxis, statutory public services such as gas/electricity companies, refuse collectors, postal service providers (such as Royal Mail), buses and school transport, breakdown and recovery vehicles, and any vehicle with special arrangements made by the school.

I live on a School Street, but don’t have a School Street sticker, how can I get one?

Our schools are using an informal permit style sticker to help speed up the process of entering the School Street. Contact your school, or speak to a School Street marshal who will be able to provide you with a sticker to display in your vehicle.

What if I am already within the School Street parking zone?

Vehicles already within the zone are free to leave during the restriction.

I am a parent or carer, can I enter the School Street zone?

No. Parents or carers dropping children at school will not be able to enter the School Street zone. You can only enter if you or your child are a blue badge holder or by special arrangements made with the school. You will still be able to walk, cycle or scoot to school in a more friendly and safe environment.

What will happen with deliveries to the school/my property?

Deliveries and access to properties by trades persons will still be able to take place during the School Streets closure

Won’t the scheme push parking issues elsewhere?

Part of the aim of the scheme is to encourage more people to travel sustainably. We will be assessing the local roads during the trial to see whether there is displacement of vehicles. If this occurs, we will look to address these issues by encouraging schools to consider complementary initiatives such as Park and Stride, Walking Buses, ensuring adequate cycling/scooter parking is available, additional Bikeability courses, and taking part in Modeshift STARS (a national sustainable travel scheme).

How will visitors know about the School Street?

Advanced Warning Signage will be installed on surrounding roads, informing road users of the timed closure outside the school, where necessary. The school will be producing letters and a survey to notify residents, parents, school staff and local businesses. The Council will provide banners, posters and leaflets.

How can I get involved with my local School Street?

Our schools are always looking for committed volunteers to help marshal the School Street. Please get in touch with the school to express an interest or speak to a School Street marshal. School Street marshals are offered training and appropriate PPE.

How can I object to a School Street?

Each School Street trial has a six-month statutory consultation running alongside this initial period. To formally object/comment on a School Street trial, please visit our consultation hub.

Can the trial be stopped if the school/residents are not happy with the School Street?

Yes, the order can be revoked and removed if there are major issues, however this should be a last resort and amendments, changes to the scheme should be trialled before removal.

Is there a penalty charge for entering the School Street?

No, we do not intend to issue penalty charges for entering a School Street.

Last updated on 05/06/2024