Bulky waste frequently asked questions

Struggling to find address?
If your address is not listed, it may not have been added to our system yet.  First, make sure your address is within the borough (opens in a new tab). If it is, please complete our contact form (opens in a new tab) to let us know.
Why are there no dates available?
Collection slots are released daily. Check back again tomorrow.
What items can be taken?

A free bulky waste collection

  • three items or one fridge/freezer

A paid bulky waste collection

  • five items
Struggling to book items?
There are some restrictions still in place:
  • You can only ask for a maximum of 2 mattresses to be collected
  • You can only ask for a maximum of 2 bed bases to be collected
  • You can only ask for a maximum of 2 sofas to be collected. A corner sofa counts as two items
  • You can only ask for a maximum of 2 fridges or freezers to be collected
  • You can only ask for a maximum of 2 wardrobes to be collected
If you want items collected that are not on the list, please complete our contact form.
Where are items collected?
This should be where your bins are collected from. We cannot collect items from inside properties, garages, rear gardens or behind locked gates.
How many free bulky waste collections are available?
You can book one every six months.
Struggling with the bulky waste form?
If you are struggling with the bulky waste form complete our contact form or call our helpline at: 0118 937 3787
Last updated on 28/09/2023