Planning and building control

Service disruption

We are changing to a new database and document management system for the planning and building control service from 12 to 23 July. This may lead to delays to our normal processes.

Major applications and appeals

Vastern Court and Vastern Road documents libraries, Reading Golf Club application and inquiry documents.

Land and property

Land Charges Register and Landowner statements.

Article 4 Directions

An Article 4 Direction limits the works that can be carried out without needing planning permission.

Heritage and conservation

Conservation areas and listed buildings. Reading High Streets Heritage Action Zone.

Planning policy

Planning applications policies.

Planning enforcement

Report breeches of planning control and rules and regulations for displaying estate agents’ boards.

Street naming and numbering

Complete our street naming and numbering form to change or add address details.

Transport Development Control

Learn how the Council is working to improve traffic conditions within the borough.