Council Tax

Tell us you are moving

Let us know if you are moving into or out of Reading or changing address within Reading.

Council Tax discounts, exemptions and support

Find out more about help with missed payments, Council Tax support, Single Person Discount and other exemptions.

Landlords and property developers

Help and advice for landlords to manage tenants moving in and out of their properties.

How we use your money

Nearly a quarter of our budget is funded by your Council Tax. Find out how we use that money to provide services across Reading.

Council Tax bands

Find out the up to date figures for each council tax band.

Ukrainian refugee scheme

Council Tax discounts will not be affected if you sponsor and host a Ukrainian household in your home.

Additional Council Tax Support

Find out how you will get extra help this year if you are already receive Council Tax Support.

The legality of collecting Council Tax

Find out about the legal basis for the collection of Council Tax.