Vehicles, roads and transport

Roads, streets and traffic

Find out about current roadworks, residential road improvements, maintenance, and how to report a problem with a road or street.

Buses and concessionary travel

Apply for bus passes and find information about buses in Reading and free school transport.


Get information on cycle routes, Bikeability cycle training for children, cycle and maintenance workshops for adults, led cycle rides and how to keep yourself and your bike safe.


Find information on walking routes in Reading, how to keep safe and the benefits to you and the environment.

Electric car charging

Find local electric car charging points.

Report an abandoned vehicle

Find out how to report an abandoned vehicle.

Transport schemes and projects

Read about proposals for improvements to roads, the national cycle network NCN 422, Station upgrades, and South Reading Mass Rapid Transit (MRT).

Transport Strategy and Funding Bids

Read about Reading Transport Strategy, local cycling and walking, bus service and rights of way improvement plans.

Travel to school

Get information about School Streets and all the travel to school areas.

Traffic Regulation Orders

Find out about Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO), which are legal documents restricting or prohibiting the use of the highway network, in line with The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Public Rights of Way

View public Rights of way maps in North, South, East and West Reading.

Red Routes

Find information on red routes in Reading, how to apply and If your dispensation is approved or not.

Moving traffic enforcement

Find out about our new powers to act against certain traffic offences.

Request for enforcement of a dropped kerb

Find out what counts as a blocked kerb and what you can do about it.