Schemes and initiatives – walking and cycling

The aims of the Reading Transport Strategy 2040 are to make it safer and more attractive for residents to walk and cycle more. This will improve air quality, personal health and wellbeing as it seeks to increases physical exercise and reduce private car use.   

We want to build on the significant walking and cycling improvements already implemented. This includes building Christchurch Bridge across the River Thames, and the National Cycle Network route 422. This route goes through Reading, linking Newbury to Ascot. Other projects include new cycle lanes and facilities delivered through our Active Travel programme. These include Sidmouth Street segregated cycle lane, and the Reading Bridge and Southampton Street cycle lanes. 

Other improvements include: 

  • new pedestrian and cycle, or tiger, crossings, such as those installed between Duke Street and Oracle Riverside 
  • cycle parking at key locations across the town 
  • creating lower levels of traffic around some schools through the creation of School Streets 
  • provision of cycle training for all and road safety education for school children.  

The schemes and initiatives contained in the Reading Transport Strategy 2040 aim to improve walking and cycling facilities and will use innovative technological advances, and with the right funding, will be integrated within the existing transport network.  

All our walking and cycling schemes and initiatives can be found below. 

Last updated on 25/09/2023